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The Brode Report | Mar 2017 #2
I created a short video where I describe some unique features of a financial model that I developed for a client that raised over $350 million. You can see it at brodetelecom.com/model-overview. |
I remember getting marketing materials from Sinper in the 1980s telling me to throw away my spreadsheet and use TM/1, the new “relational spreadsheet.” Well, that didn’t happen, even though TM1 grew into an amazing package that was acquired in turn by Cognos and then IBM, where it survives to this day.
For ease of prototyping, Excel is unparalleled. For a quick and dirty analysis that you need to finish before lunch, why would you use a different tool? But some Excel spreadsheets live long lives and are used to guide important decisions. Here I’m thinking about strategic planning models with a multi-year time frame. In more complicated business environments the models grow in complexity as well and have thousands of inputs. Much has been written about Excel’s problems and many of the techniques I’ve developed, discovered, or co-opted have been in response to those problems. You probably recognize many of these issues:
In the end, I believe that I can build world-class financial planning models and help companies raise money and make the right decisions, but there is a limitation here. I’ve come to see modeling as similar to a craft. A master craftsman can make a beautiful cabinet, but it takes time. Most woodworkers cannot produce the same quality of work, and it’s hard to train new masters.
A better analogy might be with custom ski boot inserts. I got a pair eight years ago and it profoundly changed how I could feel my skis and the snow. It was as incredible as the With very complex strategic forecasts, Excel’s great advantages can become its biggest weaknesses. That ability to customize down to the single cell is great, but when you add $10M to a revenue scenario what-if and forget to remove it, well, that +10M is a needle in a haystack and you don’t even know you need to look for it. So the dream is to turn modeling from a craft to a manufacturing process. In next month’s newsletter I’ll discuss a new entrant that promises to do just that. |
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The Brode Group |
Strategic Financial Consulting - Real-World Results |
(303) 444-3300 |